Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Epiphyllum Seedling Update

I've been meaning to do some new posts for a while now so there should be several this week. The epiphyllum seedlings have been steadily growing and you can begin to differentiate between different phenotypes. Most of them have started sending up additional shoots; some have as many as five or six. As soon as the weather warms up a little they'll all go out in the hoop-house and hopefully the humidity will promote more growth. The original epiphyllum seedling post can be read here .

Trays of epiphyllum seedlings.

Trays of epiphyllum seedlings.
As the seedlings mature the stems and shoots will begin to flatten out. Most adult epiphyllums have flat stems and leaves.

Flattening epiphyllum stem.

Among the seedlings there are lots of subtle differences. Shoot structure, branching, and size are all different.

Epiphyllum EYM1319 has produced the most shoots and has produced even more since this photo was taken.

Epiphyllum EYM1313 seems to be dwarfed in comparison to the others and is relatively bulbous with short spines.

Epiphyllum EYM1310 is very symmetrical in structure and is rigid compared with the others.

Epiphyllum ESP1307 has barely grown at all even though it has had the same growing conditions as the others, it probably is a dwarf.

Epiphyllum ESP1337 has been unusual since it sprouted. Epiphyllums usually flatten after the juvenile period yet this seedling has been relatively flat from the start.

Another Epiphyllum seedling beginning to flatten with some discoloration on the tip of the shoot.

There will definitely be more epiphyllum updates throughout the summer so be sure to check back to see the growth stages and progress.